Select Resources:
- Freedom of Expression
- Inclusive Hiring Resolution
Policies & Procedures for Faculty Development
This was an important series of conversations and procedure-development overseen by past-President Kate Willink and chaired by Chip Reichardt. The final document lives here. This process was a creative and generative response to the Board of Trustees' request for "post-tenure review"; the results of the Senate process gained national attention--e.g. see this article in the Chronicle for Higher Ed in 2018.
Policies & Procedures for Faculty Development Document
Peer-tp-Peer (P2P) Conversations
Committee Members
- Paul Michalec (Clinical Professor, Education), Juli Parrish (Teaching Associate Professor, Writing Program), Nancy Sasaki (Teaching Associate Professor and Associate Dean, Biology), Kate Willink (Associate Professor, Communication Studies)
The intention of the P2P conversations is to promote a form of professional engagement that is often missing from higher education communities because of current political, economic, and social constraints. P2P conversations are not intended to replace other forms of faculty-to-faculty conversations which occur in less formal settings or gatherings. The P2P conversations differ in that they are formally structured around key moments in the life of a faculty, focused on professional development, and are bounded by norms of confidentiality.
To assist faculty in the process of hosting a P2P conversation, the following documents were developed by the P2P sub-committee of the Faculty Senate Professional Development Committee. They are intended to create a wide range of entry points for faculty into the P2P conversations, from less structure to more structure, depending on the expertise and interests of individual faculty. The first set of documents (Model A, Model B, and Model C) will provide an overview of three different models for engaging in P2P conversations, ranging from holistic/comprehensive to efficient/succinct. The second document is an Executive Summary of a manual for hosting P2P conversations. It will be particularly useful for faculty who have a general sense of how to host a P2P conversation but who are looking for a quick overview of the process. The third document is a comprehensive "how-to" manual for convening a P2P conversation. It contains commentary on the conceptual framework for a P2P conversation, as well as nuts and bolts descriptions of the stages and steps for a P2P conversation.
Three models for P2P conversations have been developed for faculty to consider.
Model A (holistic & comprehensive) invites faculty to investigate questions of professional development that reside at the interface between their calling to serve and the institutional demands associated with the role of faculty (service, teaching and scholarship/creative activity). It is framed around images of effectiveness that are responsive to questions of wholeness.
Model B (pragmatic & focused) incorporates the general impulse toward holism articulated in Model A but shifts the lens toward a more pragmatic view of faculty responsibilities. The types of professional development questions framing Model B are consistent with a pragmatic/functional view of faculty work.
Model C (efficient & succinct) focuses on the functional drivers of faculty development and fronts the role of the intellect in descriptions of faculty responsibilities. It favors a strategic or instrumental lens in areas of professional development. Efficiency is a driving force in this type of P2P conversation.
Professional Development Discussions (PDD)
Committee Members
- Eleanor McNees (Professor, English)
- Ann Petrila (Professor of the Practice, Social Work)
- Ron Rizzuto (Professor, Finance)
- Matthew Taylor (Professor, Geography)
Job Responsibility Distributions (JRD)
Committee Members
- Lynn Schofield Clark (Professor, Media, Film & Journalism Studies)
- Linda Kosten (Associate Provost)
- Laleh Mehran (Associate Professor, Emergent Digital Practices)
- Billy Stratton (Associate Professor, English)
Faculty Survey Results
Draft of Policies & Procedures Document
- Final Revised Draft of Policies & Procedures for Faculty Development, Job Responsibility Distributions, & Peer-to-Peer Conversations, without track changes (May 14, 2017)
- Final Revised Draft of Policies & Procedures for Faculty Development, Job Responsibility Distributions, & Peer-to-Peer Conversations, with track changes (May 14, 2017)
- Draft of Policies & Procedures for Faculty Development, Job Responsibility Distributions, & Peer-to-Peer Conversations (May 10, 2017)
- First Draft of Policies & Procedures for Faculty Development (April 2017)
Use the alphabetical drop-down menu to explore archived Faculty Senate information, documents, and links.
COVID-19 Response
Pivot Group
This group examines how to prepare to move courses online in the event of a COVID spike. This group includes all of the Fall Logistics Task Force members (see below regarding the Spring 2020 COVIC task forces); there are also additional members. [Check back for complete list of faculty].
Melt Group
This group works on ways to avoid students withdrawing or taking a gap-year during COVID. [Check back for list of committee reps]
COVID-19 Task Forces (Started in Spring, 2020)
Early on in the current crisis, there were a number of Task Forces formed by the Chancellor with leadership from the Chancellor and the Provost. Faculty Senate ensured a robust process for involving faculty. The details can be found here. In summary, Senate worked with our Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI) and the Chancellor to ensure that at least 25% of each committee was made up of Senate nominated faculty, including Senators, members of the Senate Executive Committee (FSEC), and other faculty.
To ensure transparency, see below for the list of faculty on task forces who were appointed based on a nomination process led by Senate in consultation with ODEI:
Covid-19 Accommodation Committee
- This was a joint committee of APC and Personnel co-chaired by the two Chairs of those committees. It is not currently active.
- Members:
- Apryl Alexander, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Professional Psychology
- Norma Hafenstein, Daniel L. Ritchie Endowed Chair in Gifted Education, Morgridge College of Education
- Barb Hurtt, Teaching Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences
- Mike Keables, Associate Professor, Department of Geography
- Viva Moffat, Professor, Sturm College of Law
- Deb Ortega, Professor and Director of the University of Denver Latino Center for Community Engagement and Scholarship, Graduate School of Social Work
- Chip Reichardt, Professor, Department of Psychology (Co-Chair)
- Derigan Silver, Associate Professor, Department of Media, Film and Journalism Studies (Co-Chair)
- Robert Urquhart, Associate Professor, Department of Economics
- Kate Willink, Vice Provost of Faculty Affairs
COVID-19 Steering Committee
- Sarah Pessin (Faculty Senate President, FSEC, Senator)
- Derigan Silver (FSEC, Senator)
- Click here for a full list of Steering Committee members.
Scenarios & FInancial Solutions
- Paul Kosempel (FSEC, Senator)
- Sam Kamin
- Andrea Stanton
- Click here for a full list of Scenarios and Financial Solutions members.
Fall Logistics Task Force
- Derigan Silver (FSEC, Senator)
- Lisa Martinez
- Kate Tennis
- Click here for a full list of Fall Logistics Task Force members.
Digital & Online Strategy
- John Hill (FSEC, Senator)
- Rafael Fajardo
- Stephanie George
- Bruce Harmon
- Kristin Taavola
- Scott Toney
- Click here for a full list of Digital and Online Strategy members.
Academic Program & Unit Assessment
- John Hill (FSEC, Senator)
- Rafael Fajardo
- Stephanie George
- Bruce Harmon
- Kristin Taavola
- Scott Toney
- Click here for a full list of Digital and Online Strategy members.
Opportunity & Strategy Task Force
- Darrin Hicks (Past Senate President, FSEC, Senator)
- Alexi Freeman
- Ellen Winiarczyk
- Click here for a full list of Opportunity and Strategy Task Force members.
Health Working Group
- Nancy Lorenzon
- Eric Chess
- Click here for full list of Healthcare Working Group members.
Other Documents
- Faculty Development Initiatives
Faculty Forum Archives
For the most recent Forums, please visit
- December 2010: Commitment to Open Educational Resources
- May 2010: Shared Governance: Finding Common Ground
- October 2008: Perspectives on Inclusive Excellence
- May 2006: At Year's End...
- January 2006: Thoughts on Academic Quality
- May 2005: Letter from the President
- March 2005: Speaking out on Academic Freedom
- November 2004: Ritchie Chairs Board of Trustees; Search for New Chancellor Begins
- August 2004: Letter from the President Faculty Evaluation of Administrators, 2003-2004 (password needed)
- May 2004: Governance and the Importance of Community
- April 2004: Models for Shared Governance
- October 2003: Conference on Governance and University Culture
- May 2003: Letter from the President
Faculty Evaluation of Administrators, 2002-2003 (password needed) - April 2003: Investment in Intellectual Capital and Academic Reputation
- November 2002: Bridges to the Future, The Public Good, and Institutional Identity
- June 2002: Faculty Evaluation of Administrators, 2001-2002 (password needed)
- May 2002: Of Vision & Values, Corporate & Collegial Tensions, Shared Governance and Social Capital
- February 2002: Peer Institutions: Who Do We Think We Are and Who Would We Aspire to Become?
- December 2001: NCAA Certification Review Process; Q&A with the Provost
- November 2001: Copyright Law and DU Fair Use Guidelines
- September 2001: Spiritual & Religious Perspectives on September 11
- June 2001: Letter from the President
- September 2000: Summer Commencement Address by Dr. Coombe
- August 2000: Faculty Evaluation of Administrators, 1999-2000 (password needed)
- January 2000: History of the Core and Curriculum Governance
- September 1999: Announcements
- June 1999: Faculty Evaluation of Administrators, 1998-1999 Results (password needed)
- March 1999: Special Issue: Financial Report on the University
- November 1998: Fall 1998 Convocation Speeches
- August 1998: Faculty Evaluation of Administrators, 1997-1998 Results (password needed)
For older Faculty Forums, please contact the University of Denver Special Collections & Archives at
Faculty Forum Weblog
- The former DU Faculty Forum Weblog is available here.
- Faculty Senate Annual Reports
General Education
The 4 motions passed the All Faculty Vote in June 2022
- Vote 1 Gen Ed Director 67% approved
Vote 2 Gen Ed DEI committee 77% approved
Vote 3 Gen Ed Pilots 81% approved
Vote 4 Gen Ed New Names 83% approved
Other Documents:
- Senate two motions for Motion 4
- Updated General Education Reconciliation Committee Report
- 2020 APC report in response to a faculty survey, ODEI/IRISE town hall, and other responses to the GERI proposal
- General Education Review & Inquiry Committee Portfolio (GERI- this is a committee formed through Impact 2025); here is a link to the GERI summary of 2017 faculty survey data; here is a link to the GERI summary of 2018 student survey data
- Curriculum and Review Best Practices (2011)
- Vote 1 Gen Ed Director 67% approved
- Inclusive Policies & Statements for Syllabi
Links of Interest for Faculty
- American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
- Center for Multicultural Excellence
- Cherrington Global Scholars
- Computing Helpdesk
- DU Honor Code
- Office of Research & Sponsored Programs
- Office of Teaching and Learning
- The Ritchie Center for Sports & Wellness
- Statement on Cost of Living
- well@du Employee Wellness Program
- Modern Think Survey Results
Moniker Report - June 2022
This report is a supplement to the Senate's 2021 Resolution calling on DU to retire the moniker out of due concern for classroom outcomes for our students. The report was written at the invitation of the Chancellor, and it aims to specifically help amplify and contextualize the link between the moniker and classroom learning. Senate will talk with Board members, the Provost, and the Chancellor at FEAC on 6.2.22 as part of ongoing conversations on this important matter.
Here is the report. This was written as a collaboration by 15+ faculty and staff with expertise in a range of interdisciplinary topics addressed in the report. The Table of Contents is clickable, so you can move around the document. You can find an Executive Summary right at the top.
Here is a Qualtrics link if you'd like to add any additional notes or resources as part of this conversation.
Please also visit the DEI tab on the Senate webpage to view additional supporting materials.
Past Senate Agendas
June 7, 2024
11:00 - 11:30 A.M. = Lunch
11:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.
- Call to Order and Senator Sign in
- Faculty Senate President Update
- Resolution on DU Hockey
- Provost Update
- Faculty Awards
- Discussion of Interim Demonstrations Policy
- HRIC – policies in accordance with state law
- Faculty Senate Statement on Academic Freedom and Expression
- DU Forward discussion with the Chancellor
- Second reading of resolution on encampment, with proposed amendment
- Elections
- Hand over presidency to Dean Saitta
May 17, 2024
11:00 - 11:30 A.M. = Lunch
11:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.
- Call to Order and Senator Sign in
- Faculty Senate President Update
- Updates and Q & A with Provost Clark
- Results from Academic Program Review
- First reading of Interim Demonstrations Policy
- Updates and Recommendations from Chancellor Haefner
- Q & A with Chancellor Haefner
- Opportunity for Faculty Marshals to talk
- Discussion of the interim policy
- Next steps for Senate on a permanent policy
- First reading of Faculty Senate Statement on Academic Freedom and Expression
- Update on elections at June 7 meeting and call for candidates
- Continued Discussion from Special Session Meeting
- (If Time Permits) Introduction and Discussion of Resolution on Hockey
- Adjournment
May 16, 2024 (Special Session)
9:00 - 10:30 A.M.
- Overview of Concerns from CAHSS (20 minutes)
- Response from Administrators (20 minutes)
- Response from CAHSS (5 minutes)
- Discussion among Senators (90 seconds each Senator who wishes to speak)
April 5, 2024
11:00 - 11:30 A.M. = Lunch
11:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.
- Call to Order and Senator Sign in
- Faculty Senate President Update
- Updates and Q & A with Provost Clark
- Shared Governance Discussion with Chancellor Haefner
- Student Government Updates from USG and GSG
- Academic Freedom 20th anniversary of Senate statement Discussion
- New Business
- Adjournment
February 16, 2024
11:00 - 11:30 A.M. = Lunch
11:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.
- Call to Order, Senator Sign in and approval of September Minutes
- Faculty Senate President Updates
- FOE demonstration policy
- Academic Program Review
- Update on our requests re COACHE
- Updates and Q & A with Provost Clark
- COACHE response
- Board of Trustees Update
- BAM & Salary
- Provost Conversation Event
- Free Expression and Campus Climate
- Employee Handbook Discussion with Jeff Banks and Jim Noone
- Discussion of Senate Action on COACHE faculty (dis)satisfaction data
- Small group discussion to generate action items
- New Business
- Adjournment
January 19, 2024
11:00 - 11:30 A.M. = Lunch
11:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.
- Call to Order, Senator Sign in and approval of September Minutes
- Faculty Senate President Updates
- BAM Update
- Academic Program Review committee update
- Updates and Q & A with Provost Clark
- Graduate student minimum grade discussion
- Budget update
- Enrollment update
- Voluntary tenure relinquishment incentive program
- Provost Conference on March 1
- COACHE results overview and discussion with Jenn Bellamy, VPFA
- Small group discussions
- New Business
- Adjournment
November 10, 2023
11:00 - 11:30 A.M. = Lunch
11:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.
- Call to Order, Senator Sign in and approval of September Minutes
- Faculty Senate President Updates
- Assessment committee update
- COACHE survey results
- Academic Program Review committee update
- Updates and Q & A with Provost Clark
- Academic Program Review update
- Demonstrations policy update
- Presentation and Q&A with Institutional Research with Katie Schroeder (Watermark)
- Health Insurance survey update with Barb Hurtt and Personnel Committee
- Updates from Undergraduate Student Government with Luke Miller
- Discussion of 2023-2024 issues for Senate and shared governance
- New Business
- Adjournment
October 20, 2023
11:00 - 11:30 A.M. = Lunch
11:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.
- Call to Order, Senator Sign in and approval of September Minutes
- Faculty Senate President Updates
- Policy Review committee update
- COACHE summary report update
- Updates and Q & A with Provost Clark
- Spring 2024 Provost Conference update
- Budget concerns
- Budget presentation with Provost Clark and Linda Kosten
- Q & A with University Ombuds Betty Snyder
- Meet Assistant Vice Chancellor for DEI Academic Engagement Lauren Hammond
- General Education Update with Richard Kolby, Faculty Director of General Education
- Election Faculty and Educational Affairs Committee (FEAC) update
- Discussion of 2023-2024 issues for Senate
- New Business
- Adjournment
September 22, 2023
11:00 - 11:30 A.M. = Lunch
11:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.
- Call to Order, Senator Sign in and approval of September Minutes
- Faculty Senate President Updates
- Shared Governance Award
- New OMBUDS update
- Senate Attendance policy and Committee Membership policy
- Senate Standing Committee Updates
- Updates and Q & A with Provost Clark
- Updates
- Ideas to Impact
- Ad Hoc Committee on Policy update with Chip Reichardt
- Introduction of new Faculty Director of General Education, Richard Colby
- VPFA Jenn Bellamy updates
- Introduction of new Student Government Reps
- Committee membership and attendance discussion
- New Business
- Adjournment
- Mountain Campus - Early Faculty Opportunities
Recent Inactive Senate Committees
Graduate Student Task Force
Members: Michele Tyson; Michelle Knowles; Jillian Blueford; Renee Botta; Erin Elzi
Inclusive Learning Environments (ILE) Design Studio
Inclusive Learning Environments Design Studio
All campus educators are invited to join. Email with questions.
Reconciliation Committee
Part of a process of reviewing general education curriculum at DU, this committee was created to reconcile the recommendations from Senate about the general education curriculum that was proposed by the GERI committee and which was met with a divied Senate and faculty-wide response. This committee completed its work in AY 2021-22
- Sarah Pessin
- Renée Botta
- Darrin Hicks
- Mohammed Albow
- Jennifer Campbell
- Alejandro Ceron
- Frederique Chevillot
- Brian Gearity
- Michelle Kruse-Crocker
- Kris Kuzera
- Brian Majestic
- Lisa Martinez
- Nancy Sasaki
- Derigan Silver
- Kate Tennis
- John Tiedemann
- Michele Tyson
- Greg Ungar
Advisory Committees
- Faculty Review Committee
- Faculty Athletic Committee
- University Budget Advisory Committee
Senate Reports & Documents
- VTAP and Adjunct Contracts 2020
- A message from the Provost re: impacts of COVID-19 on teaching, scholarship, and service
- Appointment, Promotion, & Tenure Guidelines (2015, archived)
- Debate Team Divest Debate Transcripts
- Faculty Senate Accomplishments Timelines 2016
- Faculty Senate President's Vision Statement, Fall 2014
- FRC Report to the Senate - April 2012
- Grievance Policy
- Perspectives on Inclusive Excellence (October 2008)
- Recommendations on Gifts from Students
- Salary Study Memo & Salary Study
- Faculty Senate Teaching and Professional Faculty Committee (TPFC) Motion_2022-2023
- Administrator Emeritus Policy (2007)
- Chancellor Search Guidelines
- Social Media in the Classroom Policy
- Strategic Planning Reports
University Committees without Senate Reps
With the exception of DEI related groups working under the auspices of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Equity, ODEI, and other campus DEI-related centers and groups, we are currently working with the support of the Provost to assemble a list (on this page) of committees, councils, and working groups whose charge relates to topics and issues that impact faculty across units and schools. For each such group, we aim to provide a description of the group's charge and a list of its members. We will also be working to assess whether such groups would benefit from the addition of Senate-seated faculty to help ensure maximally efficient and transparent feedback loops to Senate on matters that relate to faculty university-wide.